An essay on how to map out future course of national movement for advancement of physical education: finding a direction through historical and philosophical illumination 인문,사회과학편 : 국민체육진흥운동의 방향 설정에 관한 시론: 역사·철학적 조명을 통한 추진 방향 모색
46(1) 1-20, 2007
An essay on how to map out future course of national movement for advancement of physical education: finding a direction through historical and philosophical illumination 인문,사회과학편 : 국민체육진흥운동의 방향 설정에 관한 시론: 역사·철학적 조명을 통한 추진 방향 모색
A direction to propel the Physical Education Advancement Scheme can be found by analyzing the development of other Physical Education Advancement schemes in western cultures from a historical point of view and also by analyzing philosophically the value they place on modern day physical education and sports. In addition, this study includes a blueprint for a ‘6 Part Movement' for the future development of they Physical Education Advancement scheme. Firstly, the Physical Education Advancement scheme must take the form of a social movement in pursuit of dynamic nationality cultivation through sports. Secondly, the said advancement scheme must be a social movement that encompasses the pursuit of health and happiness through sports. Thirdly, it must be able to serve as a tool for character edification and moral improvement. Furthermore, the scheme should incorporate a pursuit of healthy and appropriate leisure culture through sports. Also the Physical Education Advancement Scheme must continue and promote traditional physical culture. Finally, the scheme must be a social movement that cultivates and revitalizes social sports societies.
Key Words
physical education advancement scheme, sports movement, social movements of sport
인문,사회과학편 : 신년사
46(1) 2-3, 2007
인문,사회과학편 : 신년사
Key Words
Actuality and meaning of play culture in Korean classical Literature: focusing on yut, geunettuigi, gyeokgu and ssangryuk 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 고전문학 작품 속에 나타난 놀이문화의 실제와 의미: 윷놀이, 그네뛰기, 격구, 쌍륙을 중심으로
이민희MinHeuiLee , 옥광GwangOk
46(1) 21-32, 2007
Actuality and meaning of play culture in Korean classical Literature: focusing on yut, geunettuigi, gyeokgu and ssangryuk 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 고전문학 작품 속에 나타난 놀이문화의 실제와 의미: 윷놀이, 그네뛰기, 격구, 쌍륙을 중심으로
이민희MinHeuiLee , 옥광GwangOk
To explore plays were modified in literature for what reasons and in which way will be the ways to discover the intention of literature and of writers as well as to provide an important source to research ancient sports history. In this trial research, the researchers have intentions to investigate Korean folk plays including yut, geunettuigi(swing), gyeokgu(Korean polo), ssangryuk which appears in ancient or medieval literatures. After an investigation on the roles of play and its relationship with literature, the researchers come to a conclusion as follows: 1) Yut play appears in several novels and chinese poems as realistic and pleasant game showing the developments of ritual, secularistic, amusing characteristics; 2) geunettuigi was explored and found national sense as well as play appears as mechanism to form relationships between men and women; 3) Novel Okrumong describes gyeokgu tournament showing also high standard tension and pleasurism; 4) Ssangryuk also was described in novels and poems that ssangryuk was popular game with Korean chess, Janggi.
Key Words
classical Literature, folk play, yut, geunettuigi, swing, gyeokgu, Korean polo, ssangryuk
Advent of "Korean Karate" and Taekwondo abroad: focus on activities of Korean-American Taekwondo instructors in 1960`s USA 인문,사회과학편 : "코리안 카라테"의 등장과 태권도의 해외 진출: 1960년대 한인태권도 사범들의 미국 내 활동을 중심으로
김주연JooYounKim , 김은정EunJungKim , 정응근EungKeunChung
46(1) 33-43, 2007
Advent of "Korean Karate" and Taekwondo abroad: focus on activities of Korean-American Taekwondo instructors in 1960`s USA 인문,사회과학편 : "코리안 카라테"의 등장과 태권도의 해외 진출: 1960년대 한인태권도 사범들의 미국 내 활동을 중심으로
김주연JooYounKim , 김은정EunJungKim , 정응근EungKeunChung
This study was considered about advance of Korean Taekwondo instructors, 'Karate' and 'Korean Karate' as Taekwondo's abroad from 1950's to 1970's in USA. Korean-American Taekwondo instructors used the words as 'Korean Karate' in mid-1960s, 'Korean Karate' was supported for developing of Taekwondo as today's world sport. Taekwondo's distinguishing marks appeared to change from 'Karate' to 'Korean Karate'. Advent of 'Korean Karate' was by Korean Taekwondo instructors, therefore they became to make Taekwondo abroad like today's position. 'Korean Karate' solved for Karate and Taekwondo's confusion relationship, therefore 'Korean Karate' was named as Taekwondo's term in a transition period. This study uses oral history interview in 1960's Korean-American Taekwondo Instructors, and search for articles about 'Korean Karate' in the Black Belt Magazine.
Key Words
Korean Karate, Taekwondo abroad, USA Taekwondo, Karate, martial arts instructor
A coaching teacher of a middle school shooting team, Oh Sa-Gook`s Life 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 사격부 지도교사 오사국의 삶
박기동GiDongPark , 유근직GunGikYou , 김명권MyoungGwounKim
46(1) 45-56, 2007
A coaching teacher of a middle school shooting team, Oh Sa-Gook`s Life 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 사격부 지도교사 오사국의 삶
박기동GiDongPark , 유근직GunGikYou , 김명권MyoungGwounKim
This study shows a coaching teacher's pioneer case that he experienced problems about athletes development in coaching and training methods. For the purpose of this, the data were analyzed by classification of taxmonic analyze after depth interview and participative observation based on oral statements. The results were followed: first, his biased and unhappy athletic life which he should have experience, his reflection of deviation and process of identity formation help the coach to teach the students as students who study and as perfect individualities, second, he adopted the image of athletes who study to gain their parents' cooperation and reliance at the point of establishment in a small country school, third, he fixed the spirit of social service and self-sacrifice to students with the image of athlete as a servant by having the students recognize life of rural people in difficulties, fourth, he respected the students as individuality and leaded them as they wanted. In conclusion, Oh Sa-gook could find a solution to the right coaching methods in an ideal but hard to practice manner.
Key Words
coaching teacher, shooting team, Oh Sa-Gook`s Life
A comparative study on the sport philosophical character of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism 인문,사회과학편 : 유교,불교,도교 체육철학적 특성 비교
46(1) 57-68, 2007
A comparative study on the sport philosophical character of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism 인문,사회과학편 : 유교,불교,도교 체육철학적 특성 비교
The purpose of this study is to compare the sportphilosophical character of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism with one another. The existing study on the sportphilosophy was usually accomplished on the basis of western philosophy. Therefore it has unrealistic side. Because we live in the tradition of oriental culture. I tried to unfold the sportphilosophical discussion on the basis of oriental philosophy. So I analyzed the following contents in this paper. Firstly, what position does the sportphilosophy occupy in the system of oriental philosophy of ontology, ethology and the mental training theory? And what is the important problem of the sportphilosophy? Secondly, I intended to search for the sportphilosophical elements in the scriptures of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. After then I tried to make the present condition and character of it clear. Thirdly, I clarified the sportphilosophical character of those three oriental philosophy and made an analysis the sameness and the distinction of the each character.
Recognition of professional female dancer`s body 인문,사회과학편 : 직업여성무용수의 몸의 인식
권욱동WookDongKwon , 박미향MiHyangPark
46(1) 69-78, 2007
Recognition of professional female dancer`s body 인문,사회과학편 : 직업여성무용수의 몸의 인식
권욱동WookDongKwon , 박미향MiHyangPark
In this study, a total of 13 professional dancers were selected from different majors (4 Korean folk dancers, 4 ballerinas, 5 modern dancers) to determine the different body expressions based on the recognition of professional dancers from each types of dance (Korean folk dance, Ballet, Modern dance). A quality study method was selected and In-Depth Interviews and Focused Group Interviews were used based on categorizing from the grounded theory approaching method that is used in the study of Jung Seop Lee, et al., (2001) the interviews were recorded, and encoding was developed for each subject and categorized to analyze the data. And the following conclusion was made. First, after they entered into the dancing club, their recognition was changed, their body shape became better and they tried to make their body image according to the role to perform. Second, they can send the message through their body also their body expression was different according to the audience's response and expression. Third, they took care of their external features, muscles and breathing and regarding management methods, they answered that the best management is individual training and massages, also dancers are investing as much as they can to achieve the idealistic body shape. Also they felt less limited because of their lighter body weight.
Present of physical education and physical education of future: professional orientation 인문,사회과학편 : 체육의 현재와 미래의 체육: 전문성 방향
46(1) 79-88, 2007
Present of physical education and physical education of future: professional orientation 인문,사회과학편 : 체육의 현재와 미래의 체육: 전문성 방향
The purpose of this study was to identify concept of physical education by studying certification concerning physical education. The result of this study was following that. first, profession of physical education has been influencing profoundly on human life throughout the years. The concept of physical education has been gradually changed according to value oriented paradigm. It's have been change with hygienic paradigm → education paradigm → sport for all paradigm → management paradigm → welfare paradigm. The physical education concept of future will be focus the keyword which mean welfare. It seems so obvious that the concept of physical education is value oriented of hygienic, education, sport for all in today of physical education and physical education concept of future is welfare value oriented. It is argued in this study that concept of physical education is change itself according to the years. It will play a important role in future of physical education and affect concept of physical education in future.
Key Words
physical education, concept, certification
The characteristics of Taekgyeon as a traditional martial arts 인문,사회과학편 : 전통무예로서 택견의 특성
46(1) 89-98, 2007
The characteristics of Taekgyeon as a traditional martial arts 인문,사회과학편 : 전통무예로서 택견의 특성
There are a lot of traditional martial arts associations in these days. However, the arguments about the traditional martial arts is too short. How was those martial arts descended from? What is the meaning of traditional martial arts? What characters do the traditional martial arts have? The more plentiful research about the traditional martial arts will make the standard of the traditional martial arts. I will argue what characters the 76th Korean intangible cultural asset, Taekgyeon, have as a traditional martial arts in a theoretical aspect. Taekgyeon shows us some characteristic of the traditional martial arts. It will be a good sample for defining the traditional martial arts.
Key Words
traditional martial arts, Taekgyeon, characteristics
A historical-philosophical consideration on the physical education of Korea and Jo-Seon dynasty: centering around the terms 인문,사회과학편 : 고려와 조선시대 체육에 대한 역사철학적 고찰: 체육용어를 중심으로
46(1) 99-111, 2007
A historical-philosophical consideration on the physical education of Korea and Jo-Seon dynasty: centering around the terms 인문,사회과학편 : 고려와 조선시대 체육에 대한 역사철학적 고찰: 체육용어를 중심으로
This study was to investigate the terms relating to physical education and play adopted in Korea and Jo-Seon dynasty and the following conclusions were obtained as a result of the study to get the significance of the Hegel's history-philosophy in the Korea history of physical education based on that materials. According to the investigation through selected literatures, it was realized that there were much more events and terms relating to physical education or sports in Korea Dynasty than that of any other dynasties. Meanwhile, such activities spread out to the lowest stratum of society in a broad way by changing to be simplification and playful activities while being pushed down to ordinary people or farmers from the ruling class. Therefore, it was suggested that the physical education in Jo-Seon should be understood through the law of cause and effect based at the end of the Korea dynasty and that it is necessary a following study to be described by raising to the period representative of play culture apart from the conventional standpoint in the Korea history of physical education.
Key Words
a history-philosophy of Korea and Jo-Seon
Aristotle`s thought of physical education(6): centered on the theory of happiness 인문,사회과학편 : 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상에 관한 연구(6): 행복론을 중심으로
46(1) 113-121, 2007
Aristotle`s thought of physical education(6): centered on the theory of happiness 인문,사회과학편 : 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상에 관한 연구(6): 행복론을 중심으로
The purpose of this research is to examine the background that physical education is one of the departments related with human happiness. Aristotle considered that we can get the most valuable happiness through virtuous action and divided into three area such as the exterior virtue, the mental virtue and the physical virtue. The physical virtue especially is considered as an formal cause in the process of seeking health of human body as a material cause. The sport is regarded as a motor cause that gratify with health to people on view point of physical education. In this point of view, the pursuit of the health is the basic condition to take happiness, and this process is to pursue the happiness as the ultimate virtue as well as the final cause of four causes. Consequently, physical education is a science which deal with human happiness with the positive way and it presents the background academically to Aristotle's proposition.
Key Words
sports, happiness, cause theory of four, Aristotle
The relationship between sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and body image dysmorphic symptom of dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 무용수의 외모에 대한 사회,문화적 가치 내재화와 신체이미지 왜곡의 관계
46(1) 123-134, 2007
The relationship between sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and body image dysmorphic symptom of dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 무용수의 외모에 대한 사회,문화적 가치 내재화와 신체이미지 왜곡의 관계
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship among sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, self-esteem, public self-consciousness, body image dysmorphic symptom of dancers. Using a stratified cluster random sampling method and the questionnaire based on previous study, 314 dancers and 316 nondancers selected from 8 high school and 8 college. On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. Women have much higher sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and body image dysmorphic symptom rather than man. 2. Dancers have much higher sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and body image dysmorphic symptom rather than nondancers. 3. The higher sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, the lower self-esteem and the higher public self-consciousness and body image dysmorphic symptom of the dancers. 4. Degree of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance of dancers influences on the body image dysmorphic symptom directly and influences on it indirectly through self-esteem and public self-consciousness.
Key Words
sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, self-esteem, public self-consciousness, body image dysmorphic symptom, dancers, dance experience
Analysis of hypothetical causal model on the corporal punishment of school athletic teams` coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 학교운동부 코치의 체벌행위에 대한 가설적 인과 모형 분석
46(1) 135-151, 2007
Analysis of hypothetical causal model on the corporal punishment of school athletic teams` coaches 인문,사회과학편 : 학교운동부 코치의 체벌행위에 대한 가설적 인과 모형 분석
The prime goal of the present study was to test the structural equation modeling on the corporal punishment of school athletic teams' coaches. 1,031 coaches were selected from 14 items as subjects using proportional stratified sampling method from April to May, 2006. Significant results are; 1. Male, from university, and middle upper background coaches' acceptance of corporal punishment are higher. 2. Fewer career, skating and volleyball, and male team coaches' acceptance, frequency, and intensity of corporal punishment are higher. 3. Sem proposed by athlete experience, game orientation, aggression, and corporal punishment is fit. 4. The primary factor affecting corporal punishment is athlete experience, follows by aggression, and game orientation.
Key Words
athlete experience, game orientation, aggression, corporal punishment, fairness orientation, skill orientation, victory orientation, physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, hostility, acceptance of corporal punishment, frequency of corporal punishm
The relationship among dance flow experience, peer attachment, and bullying experience in elementary school 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학생의 생활무용 몰입경험과 또래애착 및 집단따돌림 경험의 관계
46(1) 153-165, 2007
The relationship among dance flow experience, peer attachment, and bullying experience in elementary school 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학생의 생활무용 몰입경험과 또래애착 및 집단따돌림 경험의 관계
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among dance flow experience, peer attachment and bullying experience in elementary school. The subjects of this study are sampled 582 elementary school students(4th, 5th, 6th grade) who live in Seoul using stratified cluster sampling method. Data were collected through the questionnaire, were analyzed to test the hypotheses with statistical methods such as ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis. On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as following. First, Personal characteristics of participants such as gender, grade, perceived economic level, perceived school record and characteristics of dance participation such as participation or not had a significant difference on bullying experience. Second, The group of high engrossment of act had influenced positively on communication of peer attachment. Third, Dance flow experience of participants didn't have an influences on bullying experience. Fourth, Peer attachment of dance participants had partly influences on bullying experience. fifth, Dance flow experience of participants influenced on bullying experience through peer attachment.
Key Words
dance flow, attachment, bullying experience
Change of peoplehood and images of both korean national soccer team and red devil supporters of pre and post 2006 world cup 인문,사회과학편 : 2006 월드컵 전,후의 국민의식 및 축구대표팀과 붉은악마 응원단에 대한 이미지 비교 분석
조현익HyunIkCho , 소영호YoungHoSo
46(1) 167-179, 2007
Change of peoplehood and images of both korean national soccer team and red devil supporters of pre and post 2006 world cup 인문,사회과학편 : 2006 월드컵 전,후의 국민의식 및 축구대표팀과 붉은악마 응원단에 대한 이미지 비교 분석
조현익HyunIkCho , 소영호YoungHoSo
This study was attempted to analyze not only changes of peoplehood but also images of national soccer team and it's supporters(Red Devil) at the time of pre and post 2006 world cup event. Total of 700 people responded to questionaire but 666 data were selected to analyse. With the collected data, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA were performed by SPSSWIN Ver 12.0. According to outcome of analysis, the conclusion was made as followings. First, images of both national team and supporters were partially changed by demographic variables. Second, group cohesion, concept of national competitiveness and worldwide citizenship were decreased after event. Third, there were significant changes on evaluative images of national team existed through event yet not much robust image changes of supporters was found.
Key Words
images, peoplehood, korean national soccer team, red devil supporters, 2006 world cup
Making the studying athletic student: case study of d middle school soccer team 인문,사회과학편 : 공부하는 학생선수 만들기: D중학교 축구부 사례연구
이혁기HyuckGiLee , 박창범ChangBeomPark , 임수원SooWoenLim
46(1) 181-191, 2007
Making the studying athletic student: case study of d middle school soccer team 인문,사회과학편 : 공부하는 학생선수 만들기: D중학교 축구부 사례연구
이혁기HyuckGiLee , 박창범ChangBeomPark , 임수원SooWoenLim
The purpose of this study was an in-depth study concerning operational system of athletic team and the feature of studying athletic students through the case of a middle school soccer team. I used the case study, a method of qualitative research, in order to analyze. The soccer team in D middle school chose up members of sports team, and has established a sports team system going side by side studying and athletics. For these athletes, the meaning of feature in studying athletic students is, first, study is a carrier that puts the student members in the same light. Second, study is not selection but essentiality as 'first student, then athlete'. To look into the perception of feature in studying athletic students, the leader attaches importance to studying and is always ready to open up a new career for the student athletes. Friends of the age perceive and estimate them positively as 'enviable ones' or 'good friends.' Parents have much interest in their sons' future career. Finally, the Korean elite sports institute field should improve its athletic culture as soon as possible, and change into an advanced sports club, with an established feature of studying athletic students.
Key Words
athletic students, culture of athletic team, sports club
The relationship between school Life attitude and exercise stress in university athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동선수의 참여특성과 학교생활태도 및 운동스트레스의 관계
박병국ByungKookPark , 김경호KyungHoKim
46(1) 193-202, 2007
The relationship between school Life attitude and exercise stress in university athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동선수의 참여특성과 학교생활태도 및 운동스트레스의 관계
박병국ByungKookPark , 김경호KyungHoKim
The major findings obtained from this study were as follows : First, In school life attitude according to personal characteristics in University athletes, the gender was increase male than female in human relations. The grade was increase the need fir school life in freshman, and was increase participation at class in senior. Exercise career was increase the need for school life in exercise 8-10 years, under 8 years was increase in participation at class and human relation over 10 years. Second, In exercise stress according to personal characteristics in University athletes, the male was increase undue oppression by a senior, dissatisfaction with skills, and career concern whereas the female was increase restricted private life and dissatisfaction with coaching. Grade and execise career was increase restricted private life and. Third, In school life attitude according to exercise degree, exercise time was significant influence in the need for school life, exercise intensity was significant influence on dissatisfaction with skills, exercise frequency was significant influence on undue oppression by a senior, and exercise time was significant influence on career concern.
Key Words
school Life attitude, exercise stress, personal characteristics
An influence of Taekwondo trainees` service satisfaction on re-purchase intention and word-of-mouth intention 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 수련생의 서비스만족이 재구매의도와 구전의도에 미치는 영향
조만태ManTaeCho , 김성수SeongSooKim
46(1) 203-212, 2007
An influence of Taekwondo trainees` service satisfaction on re-purchase intention and word-of-mouth intention 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 수련생의 서비스만족이 재구매의도와 구전의도에 미치는 영향
조만태ManTaeCho , 김성수SeongSooKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate an influence of Taekwondo trainees' service satisfaction on their Re-purchase intention and Word-of-mouth intention, supplement the problems Taekwondo studios today have, and provide basic data for the efficient management of the studios in the future. The subject of this study were 649 individuals who were selected using the systemic stratified cluster sampling the Taekwondo trainees' member in the city of Busan. The method of statistics was practiced to be in Frequence Analysis, factor analysis, Reliability, Pearson's Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression by using SPSS WIN 12.0. The conclusion of this study are as follows: First, there has been a static relationship between the trainees' service satisfaction and Re-purchase intention. it has been shown that the intention for repurchase is influenced by satisfaction at programs, fee, trainer and distance. Second, there has been a static relationship between the trainees' service satisfaction and Word-of-mouth intention. it has been shown that the Word-of-mouth intention is influenced by satisfaction at programs, trainer, promotion, distance, and interiors.
Key Words
service satisfaction, re-purchase intention, word-of-mouth intention
The aggression of people who major in martial art sports 인문,사회과학편 : 무도스포츠 전공자의 공격성향
이천희ChunHeeLee , 이지훈JiHoongLee
46(1) 213-228, 2007
The aggression of people who major in martial art sports 인문,사회과학편 : 무도스포츠 전공자의 공격성향
이천희ChunHeeLee , 이지훈JiHoongLee
The purpose of this study is to discuss what aspects of people who major in martial art sports involves in aggression, to confirm the structure of aggression conception, and to examine structural propriety of martial art sports. By the pre-research, it was composed to open questions which is half-structured, and gathered the factors which compose of the aggression of the martial art sports major people who are attended in the university located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. As a result, there was 947 cases of basic materials, and after that, the aggression was divided into 62 cases. 62 cases could be divided into 14 details, physical aggression, lingual aggression, and psychological aggression. In addition, I developed 62 kinds of scale for the aggression based on the details and modified these scales. The exploratory factor analysis was done in the first research then, the confirmatory factor analysis were used. As a result of the first research analysis, 11 questions in 3 factors were extracted. And through the second research analysis, psychological aggression(3 scales), physical aggression(5 scales), lingual aggression(3 scales) were found. In conclusion, perception for the aggression of the martial art sports major person was psychological aggression factor, physical aggression factor, lingual aggression factor, which were different from the tendency of aggression in the other sports.
Key Words
martial art sports, aggression, constructive validity, confirmative factor analysis
Relationships among sports weness scale, group norm and consciousness of violence 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계열 대학생의 스포츠우리성과 집단규범 및 선,후배 간 폭력의식의 관계
전태준TaeJoonChun , 이승희SeungHeeLee
46(1) 229-241, 2007
Relationships among sports weness scale, group norm and consciousness of violence 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계열 대학생의 스포츠우리성과 집단규범 및 선,후배 간 폭력의식의 관계
전태준TaeJoonChun , 이승희SeungHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among the sports weness scale, group norm and consciousness of violence. In order to accomplish this study's purpose, this study surveyed 675 subjects who have been undergraduate student related to sports departments in 5 areas by method of random sampling. Questionnaire was filled out by self-administered method and data, valid 643 subjects, was analyzed by SPSS version 12.0. Statistics used in this study were descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, correlation, multiple regressions, and path analysis. The followings are the results of this study: First, there are significant differences in consciousness of violence according to subjects’ characters except gender. Second, sports weness scale is significantly related to group norm. Third, sports weness scale is significantly related to consciousness of violence. Fourth, group norm is significantly related to consciousness of violence. And lastly, causal relationships within the path analysis model were revealed among sports weness scale, group norm and consciousness of violence.
Key Words
sports weness, group norm, consciousness of violence
The reciprocal causal relationship model among personality traits, job satisfaction, and organizational adaptability of women workers participating in aerobic gymnastics 인문,사회과학편 : 에어로빅 체조 참가 직장여성의 개인특성과 조직 적응성 간의 쌍방적 인과모형 연구
46(1) 243-258, 2007
The reciprocal causal relationship model among personality traits, job satisfaction, and organizational adaptability of women workers participating in aerobic gymnastics 인문,사회과학편 : 에어로빅 체조 참가 직장여성의 개인특성과 조직 적응성 간의 쌍방적 인과모형 연구
The principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the reciprocal causal effects among personality traits, job satisfaction, and organizational adaptability of women workers participating in aerobic gymnastics. The following is conlusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study. It was adapted that the reciprocal causal effects among personality traits, job satisfaction, and organizational adaptability was presented by structural equation modeling analysis.
Analysis of the research trend in the journal of korean sociology of sport: 1993-2005 인문,사회과학편 : 한국스포츠사회학회지 연구동향 분석: 1993-2005
박소영SoYoungPark , 이근모KeunMoLee
46(1) 259-268, 2007
Analysis of the research trend in the journal of korean sociology of sport: 1993-2005 인문,사회과학편 : 한국스포츠사회학회지 연구동향 분석: 1993-2005
박소영SoYoungPark , 이근모KeunMoLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the research trends of Korean Sociology of Sport and provide meaningful information for academic development. This study analyzed the 374 published papers in the Journal of Korean Sociology of Sport between 1993 and 2005. Papers were split into two groups for analysis, 1993-1999 and 2000-2005, and classified according to research subjects, methods, and areas. Results show three things: first, there was an increase in ordinary people being used as subjects (38.5%-47.3%) and a decrease in articles and statistics (22.3%-15%), while athlete studies remained stable (12.2%-13.7%). Second, quantitative research is consistently the most common method of research (73.6%-67.25%), qualitative research has increased (4.1%-16.4%), and document research has decreased (20.9%-14.2%). Last, the areas of research studies remained stable between the two groups in socialization (43.2%-49.6% respectively), and systems and institutions (8.8%-6.6%), while the focus on sports organizations and groups declined (14.9%-6.6%). Economy became a more dominant focus in the second group (10.6%).
Key Words
research subjects, research methods, research areas
The relationship among participation in adults` yoga activity, spiritual capacity and wellness 인문,사회과학편 : 요가참가와 영성능력 및 웰니스의 관계
46(1) 269-281, 2007
The relationship among participation in adults` yoga activity, spiritual capacity and wellness 인문,사회과학편 : 요가참가와 영성능력 및 웰니스의 관계
The purpose of this study is to find the relationship among participations in yoga, spiritual capacity and wellness on the assumption that yoga as physical activity contributes to health on the whole. In this study, participants are the adults who have practiced yoga continuously, and 460 adults in Chungcheongbuk-do are sampled for this research from January, 2006 to April, 2006. And questionnires were used for the analysis. The collected data are analyzed by One-way ANOVA, Multiple regression, and Path Analysis through SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0. The results are as followed: 1. There is a significant result on wellness according to the personal attributes. 2. A meaningful result is achieved in participating in yoga and spiritual capacity, and it shows difference in terms of transcendence. Also, the frequency and period of doing yoga influence on the subvariables factors of spiritual capacity. 3. In participating in yoga and wellness, the types of yoga show significance physical and mental areas, and the frequency, period, and time have an effect on the subvariables factors of wellness. 4. Spiritual capacity has a positive influence on wellness. 5. There are significant causal relationships among yoga participation and spiritual capacity and wellness.
Key Words
yoga participation, spiritual capacity, wetness
The effects of external focusing strategies on a tennis skill Learning 인문,사회과학편 : 테니스기술 학습에서 외적 주의초점 전략들의 효과: 특정전략과 범용전략을 중심으로
The effectiveness of two different external focusing strategies were compared on the learning of a externally-paced motor skill, tennis volley. Specifically, investigated was the influence of (a) task-general strategy, a comprehensive external focusing strategy that could be used for various sport skills; and (b) task-specific strategy, an optimized external focusing strategy that could be used for a specific sport situation. Forty eight university students (male tennis beginners) were randomly assigned to one of three different groups (task-general strategy group, task-specific strategy group, and control group). They performed 150 trials to learn a tennis volley task in a practice session and then 20 more trials each in a retention session and a transfer session. The goal of the task was hitting the target area with the tennis ball. Deviation scores from the center of the target area were recorded. The results of the experiment indicated that participants who used the task-specific strategy as well as participants who used the task-general strategy, performed the tennis volley task better than the participants who did not use any external focusing strategy, and the participants used the task-specific strategy performed better than the other participants in the retention session.
Key Words
cognitive strategy, tennis, focusing
Anger, self-esteem and depression among college students majors in physical education and sports science 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계 대학생의 분노와 자아존중감 및 우울
조현익HyunIkCho , 소영호YoungHoSo
46(1) 295-307, 2007
Anger, self-esteem and depression among college students majors in physical education and sports science 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계 대학생의 분노와 자아존중감 및 우울
조현익HyunIkCho , 소영호YoungHoSo
This study was aimed to examining anger, self-esteem and depression among physical education college students. The date collected from the 429 physical education college students was analyzed. With factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis was performed by SPSSWIN Ver 12.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the gender and grade factors showed significant difference on anger control. Second, the anger control and trait anger influenced positively on self-esteem but anger suppression and state anger showed negative effects on it. Third, the anger control, state anger, and trait anger influenced positively on depression in. These results were discussed based on the previous and practical studies on anger, self-esteem, and depression.
Key Words
anger, self-esteem depression
The relationship between Level of athlete satisfaction and game result on fencers 인문,사회과학편 : 펜싱선수의 선수만족도와 경기결과와의 관계
46(1) 309-317, 2007
The relationship between Level of athlete satisfaction and game result on fencers 인문,사회과학편 : 펜싱선수의 선수만족도와 경기결과와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between level of athlete satisfaction and game result on fencers. The subjects for this study totalled 267(male:150, female:117) fencers consisted of high school athletes, college athletes and adults athletes. Instrument of this study was used Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire(Chelladurai, 1984; Widmeyer & Williams, 1991; Chae, 1997) and Game Result was calculated 1~7 point by taking place in a tournament. All the subjects made up the questionnaire at the arena. The collected questionnaires were analyzed by independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, post-hoc test(scheffe), correlation analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis. As a consequence, the following conclusions were drawn. First, there were significant differences statistically in athlete satisfaction by sex and group of taking part. Second, there was significant difference statistically in game result according to level of athlete satisfaction. Third, there was positive relationship between athlete satisfaction and game result. Forth, athlete satisfaction was found to have a positive effect on game result.
Key Words
athlete satisfaction, game result, fencing
The effects of exercise emotion on self -efficacy in older adults 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 운동정서가 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
46(1) 319-331, 2007
The effects of exercise emotion on self -efficacy in older adults 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 운동정서가 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise emotion on the self-efficacy in the elderly. Two hundred thirteen old adults were sample and administrated in a set of questionnaires(Exercise Emotion Scale and Self-Efficacy Scale). The statistical techniques of frequency analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and simple regression analysis using SPSS/PC+ were used to examine the three research problems in this study. The results of this study are as follows: First, in exercise emotion differences according to personal variables, there were significant differences by sex, age, spouse, and academic career level. Second, in self-efficacy according to personal varibles, there were siginificant differences in coping self-efficacy and emotion control self-efficacy by sex, in task self-efficacy and coping self-efficacy by spouse, and in coping self-efficacy and emotion control self-efficacy by academic career. Third, the scores of exercise emotion explained about 42.6% of the subfactors of self-efficacy scores.
Key Words
exercise emotion, self-efficacy, older adults health
A effect of role perception of players on team cohesive power in short track speed skating 인문,사회과학편 : 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 선수들의 역할지각이 팀 응집력에 미치는 영향
46(1) 333-345, 2007
A effect of role perception of players on team cohesive power in short track speed skating 인문,사회과학편 : 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 선수들의 역할지각이 팀 응집력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is a effect of role perception to players on team cohesive power in short track speed skating. Questionnaires containing 52 statements which were given questions about role perception of platers and team cohesive power are administrated to a total of 139 members of short tract speed skating players who are 72 persons middle school students and 67 persons high school student. Depending on the methods that are cluster sampling and self administration method, date used analysed by using the statistical methods such as factor analysis, one way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis by Windows SPSS/PC+ 11.0 Version. The result of this study can be summarized as followings : First, according to population statistics variable, there are some differences in role perception of players. Second, according to role variable, there are differences in team cohesive power. Third, role disagreement is more higher, group vulgar of social cohesive power, personal vulgar of subjective cohesive power and group vulgar of subjective cohesive power are more higher.
Key Words
role perception, role disagreement, role burdensome, team cohesive power
The effect of body image self-discrepancy on exercise behaviors and emotions 인문,사회과학편 : 신체상 자기-차이가 운동행동과 정서에 미치는 효과
염계화GyeWhaYoum , 유진JinYoo
46(1) 347-358, 2007
The effect of body image self-discrepancy on exercise behaviors and emotions 인문,사회과학편 : 신체상 자기-차이가 운동행동과 정서에 미치는 효과
염계화GyeWhaYoum , 유진JinYoo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of body image self-discrepancy on exercise behaviors and emotions. The subjects of this study consisted of 337 (male=177, female=200) adults who were participating in various exercise programs in sports centers. The instruments used were the Stunkard Scale(1983) for measuring Self-discrepancies and Jung(2000) for measuring Emotions. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and two-way MANOVA analysis as statistical method. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, males have higher the shape of one’s body than female. Also, non-participants have higher the shape of one’s body than duration sports participants. Second, male participants have higher frequency and duration than female. Also, Actual satisfaction body Image group have high sports participation than actual group:(+) or actual group:(-). The actual satisfaction male group have high sports Participation than Female. Third, Actual group and actual group:(+)have high positive Emotions than actual group:(-). The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
Key Words
self-discrepancies, emotions, exercise behavior
The student`s perception on the success and failure experience of physical activity in middle school physical education classes 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서 신체활동의 성공과 실패 경험에 대한 학생의 인식
이승배SeungBaeLee , 박윤혁YeounHyukPark , 강신복SinBokKang
46(1) 359-375, 2007
The student`s perception on the success and failure experience of physical activity in middle school physical education classes 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서 신체활동의 성공과 실패 경험에 대한 학생의 인식
이승배SeungBaeLee , 박윤혁YeounHyukPark , 강신복SinBokKang
The purpose of this study was to analyze the student's perception on the success and failure experience of physical activity in middle school physical education classes. For this study, the 336 middle school students responded to the cause on the success and failure experience of physical activity. To analyze the results, factor analysis and reliability about each factor were used in SPSS window version 12.0. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, the 7 major success factors were consisted of 39 questions as causes of the success experience on physical activity in middle school physical education classes. The success factors were positive relationship with classmates, superior physical fitness, luck, constant effort, teacher's positive feedback, encouragement with classmates, and relevance of task difficulty. Second, the 7 major failure factors were decided from 41 questions as causes of the failure experience on physical activity in middle school physical education classes. The failure factors were negative relationship with classmates, inferior physical fitness, a poor of educational environment, effort insufficiency, unfortunateness, insufficiency and ineffectiveness of teacher's teaching, and irrelevance of task difficulty.
Key Words
physical activity, the success experience, the failure experience, physical education classes
Gender perspectives in sport education model 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠교육모형에서의 젠더 관점
김승재SeungJaeKim , 김진희JinHeeKim
46(1) 377-390, 2007
Gender perspectives in sport education model 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠교육모형에서의 젠더 관점
김승재SeungJaeKim , 김진희JinHeeKim
This study describes to understand gender experience of Sport Education in practice. 2 teachers and their student were involved and I conducted open-ended questionnaires, interviews, portfolios, and video observation to understand their experiences and feeling. Data were analyzed using cross-cases analysis. Themes related to gender experiences in Sport Education; language of teacher, student role praxis, and gender equity of implementing. The result of this study shows that participants have a flexible perceptions and understandings of gender equity on Sport Education action.
Key Words
sport education, gender
The factors of elementary classroom teachers` deficit of physical education classes 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 담임교사의 체육수업 결손 요인
46(1) 391-408, 2007
The factors of elementary classroom teachers` deficit of physical education classes 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 담임교사의 체육수업 결손 요인
The purpose of this study was to answer the question "What makes deficiency of the physical education(PE) classes for elementary classroom teachers?" The participants for this study were 24 students and 12 classroom teachers. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, students' diaries, the observation of classes, and documents. Data were analyzed by the methods of case record and inductive category analysis. The 'elementary school specific factor' in the「deficit of PE classes」was comprised of many aspects because of the characteristics of elementary school such as many school events, provisional time table in the beginning of semester and deficit of PE classes because of school year/grade activity. The 'physical-circumstantial specific factor' was categorized according to the bad weather and the playground condition. The 'human specific factor' was categorized according to the characters of busy elementary school teacher, the values and the beliefs of teachers and parents for PE, and the result from the character of elementary school students' development.
Key Words
elementary physical education, physical education class
The features of an elementary school children`s soccer game in the noon recess 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교에서 점심시간 행해지는 축구 활동
46(1) 409-421, 2007
The features of an elementary school children`s soccer game in the noon recess 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교에서 점심시간 행해지는 축구 활동
The purpose of this study was to investigate the Features of an Elementary School Children's Sports activities through Voluntary Soccer Club and to find out the special characters. To achieve the purpose of this study, the scene of playground on the noon recess was videotaped. and one-group of 6th graders was selected as participants. The participants(N=8) were recruited via the purposive sampling method from the group. then, opened questionnaires research and interviews were performed. First, because of limited time and space, soccer was the most popular game because of simple rules and easy preparation. Second, the grouping was influenced by the geographical conditions. Third, the children rejected or excluded a child from a different group. Fourth, the children solved conflicts occurred problems by democratic procedures and the children said they became more healthy, intimate and learned cooperative spirit, law-abiding spirit through sport activity.
Key Words
sport activity, game, self-governing
Review of physical activity questionnaire for older adults to develop the physical activity questionnaire for Korean older adults 인문,사회과학편 : 외국의 고령자용 신체활동 설문지 검토를 통한 우리나라 고령자 신체활동 설문지 개발을 위한 제언
46(1) 423-435, 2007
Review of physical activity questionnaire for older adults to develop the physical activity questionnaire for Korean older adults 인문,사회과학편 : 외국의 고령자용 신체활동 설문지 검토를 통한 우리나라 고령자 신체활동 설문지 개발을 위한 제언
Increased number of older adults and the awareness of the role of physical activity in later life, a few efforts has been made to develop an appropriate assessment methods that are sensitive to change in physical activity levels for primarily under active older men and women. To figure out precise size of sedentary older adults and provide information to develop the strategies and programs to increase number of active older adults, there is urgent need to have proper assessment tools. The purpose of this study is to 1) review the contents and validity and reliability test of 5 physical activity questionnaires for older adults that were developed in other countries-- Modified Baecke Questionnaire, Zutphen Physical Activity Questionnaire, Yale Physical activity Survey, Physical activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE), and CHAMP Physical Activity Questionnaire for older adults 2) criticize the limitations of existing physical activity questionnaires that were used for Korean older adults, and 3) provide information that should be considered to develop physical activity questionnaire for Korean older adults.
The validity and evaluation of the children`s Locomotor skill measurement 인문,사회과학편 : 유아 이동운동 측정의 타당화 검증 및 평가
유진JinYoo , 최문형MoonHyungChoi
46(1) 437-446, 2007
The validity and evaluation of the children`s Locomotor skill measurement 인문,사회과학편 : 유아 이동운동 측정의 타당화 검증 및 평가
유진JinYoo , 최문형MoonHyungChoi
The purpose of this study was to validate and evaluate the children's locomotor skills. The 7 skills out of 39 contents include running(6 contents), hopping(5's), horizontal jumping(7's), leaping(8's), sliding(5's), galloping(4's), skipping(4's). They were selected on the basis of the related research and the measure instruments of the children's locomotor skills, developed by inside and outside of the country, though after content validity. After the Exploratory Factor Analysis, locomotor skills were divided into two factors as Basic and Combination. While the Basic consists of running, hopping, leaping, horizontal jumping skills, Combination consists of sliding, galloping, and skipping skills. After the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, this measurement model was validated by approval levels. Locomotor factor's skills, according to children's age and sex, there is no difference between ages in Basic factor, but in Combination factor, while there is no difference between sex on 5 year olds, girls are higher than boys by 6 year olds. 6 years are higher than 5 years on both Basic and Combination factors.
Key Words
children, Locomotor skills, basic, combination
A study of Liabilities on illegal acts in sports 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠에서의 불법행위책임에 관한 일고찰
심재영JaeYoungShin , 이동헌DongHeonLee
46(1) 447-459, 2007
A study of Liabilities on illegal acts in sports 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠에서의 불법행위책임에 관한 일고찰
심재영JaeYoungShin , 이동헌DongHeonLee
The present notice is intended to help the people and organizations who engage in sports fields to prevent any accident in advance through reviewing and analyzing judicial precedents and to take proper actions when it actually happen. On the process to implement this study, we got the result as follows. First, the major of general illegal acts in sports accidents are found to be accidental cases. Accidental cases refer to a psychological state of concerned personnels who should be awake of the potential dangerous results neglected his duties or were in carelessness to got happened of the accidental results. Second, regarding liabilities of sports coaching personnels in charge of sports accidents, the personnels don't need to take any liability when children caused harmful things on the 3rd parties and the children are legally exempted of the liabilities. Third, in cases of students' accidents during club activities, school events, and extra curricular activities, the users of the school should take the burden of responsibilities which is extended to coached or assistants regardless of payments. Fourth, all liabilities of sports facilities should be limited only to property demage from wrong installation or maintenance of sports relevant facilities or items.
Key Words
Liability, illegal acts
The effect of ski resort relationship marketing implement factors on the relationship quality and purchasing behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 관계마케팅 실행요인이 관계품질, 구매행동에 미치는 영향
송석록SokRokSong , 노동연DongYunRoh
46(1) 461-471, 2007
The effect of ski resort relationship marketing implement factors on the relationship quality and purchasing behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 관계마케팅 실행요인이 관계품질, 구매행동에 미치는 영향
송석록SokRokSong , 노동연DongYunRoh
This study was designed to shed light on the effects of relationship marketing implement factors on the relationship quality and purchasing behavior in ski resort customer. 400 ski resort customers were chosen from 4 ski resorts located in Gangwondo(hdsungwoo, phoenlxpark, yongpyong resort, vivaldipark). Among 400 questionnaires distributed and collected, 22 were excluded from the study because they were neither thoughtfully nor completely answered. As a result, only 378 questionnaires were adopted and analyzed. The reliability test by using Cronbach's α method yielded the following results: the customer response reliability is .8275, the reliability in customer relation-oriented is .8196, the reliability in customer acknowledged is .8284, the reliability in trust is .8570, the reliability in commitment is .7914 and the reliability in purchasing behavior is .8763. This paper utilizes the statistical data analysis methods including correlation analysis, regression analysis and factor analysis. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, relationship marketing implement factors significantly influences trust and commitment. Second, relationship marketing implement factors significantly influences purchasing behavior. Third, relationship quality significantly influences purchasing behavior.
A study on relationship between emotional intelligence, burnout and customer-oriented selling behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 골프경기 보조원의 감정지능과 탈진 및 고객 지향적 행동과의 관계
허진영JinYoungHuh , 최헌혁HunHyukChoi
46(1) 473-483, 2007
A study on relationship between emotional intelligence, burnout and customer-oriented selling behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 골프경기 보조원의 감정지능과 탈진 및 고객 지향적 행동과의 관계
허진영JinYoungHuh , 최헌혁HunHyukChoi
The purpose of this study was to explore relationship between emotional intelligence, job related burnout and customer-oriented selling behavior. The sample of the study is caddies from 6 golf country clubs in Kyounggido area. Subjects(N=414) were selected from caddies private golf clubs by using the convenience sampling technique. The data were recorded and analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0 statistical computer package to do a exploratory factor analysis. The results from Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model are follows. First, for relationship between emotional intelligence job related burn out, social skill of caddies have negatively effects on the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Self-management of EQ have effects on depersonalization. Self-motivating of EQ have effects on lacking of personal accomplishment. Second, three sub-factors of job related burn out have negatively and positively effects on job satisfaction, Third, self-management, self-motivating, and social skill with other people have effects on customer-oriented selling behavior.
The influence of marketing mix factors of service quality on participation-satisfaction and re-purchase intention in marine Leisure sports 인문,사회과학편 : 해양레저스포츠 서비스품질 마케팅믹스(4P`s) 요인이 참여만족도 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향: 수상스키와 스쿠버다이빙을 중심으로
유현순HyunSoonYu , 하수영SuYoungHa
46(1) 485-494, 2007
The influence of marketing mix factors of service quality on participation-satisfaction and re-purchase intention in marine Leisure sports 인문,사회과학편 : 해양레저스포츠 서비스품질 마케팅믹스(4P`s) 요인이 참여만족도 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향: 수상스키와 스쿠버다이빙을 중심으로
유현순HyunSoonYu , 하수영SuYoungHa
First, the result to analyse the influence of marketing mix factors of service quality on participation-satisfaction and re-purchase intention in marine leisure sports had led us to recognize that 1) those factors of production, price, place, and promotion made significant effects on participation-satisfaction, 2) participation-satisfaction made significant effects on re-purchase intention. Second, the result to analyse the influence of marketing mix factors of service quality on the participation-satisfaction and re-purchase intention in water-skiing had led us to recognize that 1) those factors of production, price, place, and promotion made significant effects on participation-satisfaction, 2) participation-satisfaction made significant effects on re-purchase intention.. Third, the result to analyse the influence of marketing mix factors of service quality on the participation-satisfaction and re-purchase intention in SCUBA-diving had led us to recognize that 1) those factors of production and place made significant effects on participation-satisfaction, 2) participation-satisfaction made significant effects on re-purchase intention.
Key Words
participation satisfaction, re-purchase intention, service quality, marketing mix
The effect of trust building on multidimensional trust and customer satisfaction of sport center 인문,사회과학편 : 상업스포츠센터 신뢰형성요인이 다차원적 신뢰 및 고객만족에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 이계석KyeSokLee , 정정희JungHeeJung
46(1) 495-504, 2007
The effect of trust building on multidimensional trust and customer satisfaction of sport center 인문,사회과학편 : 상업스포츠센터 신뢰형성요인이 다차원적 신뢰 및 고객만족에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 이계석KyeSokLee , 정정희JungHeeJung
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among trust building factors(credibility, benevolence), multidimensional trust and customer satisfaction of sport center service. The total number of sampling was 250 adults, male and female who are the current customers at four commercial sport center in Seoul, Kyung-gi province. Data processing was done for exploratory factor analysis using SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis using AMOS 4.0. Based on the above study method and procedures, the result of the study are summarized as follows. First, credibility and benevolence out of trust building factors had significant influence on trust of coach, members and sport center but benevolence of coach had significant not influence on trust of coach. Second, trust of coach and members had significant influence on trust of sport center. Third, multidimensional trust had significant influence on customer satisfaction.
The relationship between relational benefit, customer satisfaction, fitness club image and customer Loyalty of fitness club 인문,사회과학편 : 휘트니스클럽에서의 관계혜택과 고객만족, 휘트니스클럽이미지 및 고객충성도와의 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung , 이계석KyeSokLee
46(1) 505-515, 2007
The relationship between relational benefit, customer satisfaction, fitness club image and customer Loyalty of fitness club 인문,사회과학편 : 휘트니스클럽에서의 관계혜택과 고객만족, 휘트니스클럽이미지 및 고객충성도와의 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung , 이계석KyeSokLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among relational benefit, customer satisfaction, image, and customer loyalty of fitness club. The total number of sampling was 255 customers, who are the current customers at five fitness club in C province. Data processing was done for exploratory factor analysis using SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis using AMOS 4.0. Based on the above study method and procedures, the result of the study are summarized as follows. First, social benefits had negative influence on customer satisfaction. Second, psychological benefits and customization benefits had significant influence on customer satisfaction. Third, customer satisfaction had significant influence on image. Fourth, customer satisfaction had significant influence on customer loyalty. Fifth, fitness club image had significant influence on customer loyalty.
Key Words
relational benefit, customer satisfaction, fitness club image, customer Loyalty
The relationships among the Level of satisfaction with the factors of the driving range sport marketing strategy, and the intention to revisit 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠마케팅 전략 요인 만족에 따른 골프연습장 이용자 만족도 및 재방문의사의 관계
이웅기WoongKiLee , 이대연DaeYounLee
46(1) 517-525, 2007
The relationships among the Level of satisfaction with the factors of the driving range sport marketing strategy, and the intention to revisit 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠마케팅 전략 요인 만족에 따른 골프연습장 이용자 만족도 및 재방문의사의 관계
이웅기WoongKiLee , 이대연DaeYounLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate what relationship there was among the level of satisfaction with the factors of the driving range marketing strategy, and the intention to revisit to the driving range. For this purpose, 330 subjects were sampled from the users of outdoor driving ranges located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province, and the questionnaire used by previous studies was corrected and complemented to suit the accomplishment of this study as the research instrument. Collected data were analysed using SPSS 12.0 statistical package and the test was conducted at a level of α=.05 through correlation analysis in case there was a significant difference according to the purpose of research. The following conclusion was concluded: 1) There was a significant correlation(p<.001) between the level of satisfaction with the factor of marketing strategy and the driving-range user's total level of satisfaction. 2) There was a significant correlation(p<.001) between the level of satisfaction with marketing strategy factors and the user's intention to revisit the driving range.
Key Words
marketing strategy, driving range, Level of satisfaction, intention to revisit
Relationship between service quality according to types of sports centers and customer Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 유형별 스포츠센터의 서비스 품질과 고객충성도와의 관계
변경원KyoungWonByun , 허진JinHur
46(1) 527-543, 2007
Relationship between service quality according to types of sports centers and customer Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 유형별 스포츠센터의 서비스 품질과 고객충성도와의 관계
변경원KyoungWonByun , 허진JinHur
The purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical relationship between service quality according to types of sports centers and customer loyalty. Independent variable was the service quality, Mediating variables were customer satisfaction, trust and commitment. Finally, dependent variable was customer loyalty. As the method and the subjects for analyzing the theoretical relationship between the service quality and the customer loyalty, 201 questionnaires from commercial sports centers and 210 questionnaires from public sports centers were used without 39 questionnaires which was not pertinent for this study after being collected 450 questionnaires through the convenience sampling method to customers of 5 public sports centers and 4 commercial sports centers in the metropolitan area. In order to treat data, after SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 was utilized using frequency analysis for inquiring closely into general characteristic of subjects, AMOS 5.0 was utilized using structural equation model analysis for examination of research hypotheses.
Key Words
types of sports centers, service quality customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, customer Loyalty
The casual relationship among brand personality, brand attitude, product involvement, and brand Loyalty of official sponsor in professional football team 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구구단 공식용품후원업체의 브랜드개성, 브랜드태도, 용품관여도, 브랜드애호도 인과관계 분석
조송현SongHyeonCho , 서봉한BongHanSeo
46(1) 545-555, 2007
The casual relationship among brand personality, brand attitude, product involvement, and brand Loyalty of official sponsor in professional football team 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구구단 공식용품후원업체의 브랜드개성, 브랜드태도, 용품관여도, 브랜드애호도 인과관계 분석
조송현SongHyeonCho , 서봉한BongHanSeo
The purpose of this study was to examine the casual relationship among brand personality, brand attitude, involvement, and brand loyalty of official sponsor in professional football team. Participants were 258 students who were participating at university club, using cluster random sampling method. An order to test the hypotheses, structure equation modeling through Amos ver 5.0 program was used. Conclusions of this study were as follows: First, brand personality had positive influence on brand attitude. Second brand personality had positive influence on product involvement. Third, brand personality had positive influence on brand loyalty. Forth, brand attitude had positive influence on product involvement. Fifth, brand atittude had positive influence on brand loyalty. Sixth, product involvement didn't have influence on brand loyalty.
Key Words
professional football, brand personality, brand attitude, product involvement, brand Loyalty
Research trends and subjects of marine sports from point of view of scientific journals 인문,사회과학편 : 학술지를 통해 본 해양스포츠 연구동향과 과제
46(1) 557-565, 2007
Research trends and subjects of marine sports from point of view of scientific journals 인문,사회과학편 : 학술지를 통해 본 해양스포츠 연구동향과 과제
This study investigated precedent research material of latest five years from 2000 to 2005 regarding marine sports published in scientific journals in Korea to examine flow and subjects of the research on the sports. Main features of the sports were obtained as follows: Marine sports played important role together with changes of the times to launch systematic researches: However, the sports was still unsatisfactory at quality and quantity. The subject was in order of policy and improvement of marine sports promotion (31.0%), attitudes and cognition of participants (27.6%) and tourism as well as events (20.7%). Research methods consisted of literature research (41.4%) and survey research (37.9%). The material investigation method of each thesis should apply statistical methods subject to either reasonable collection methods or research models to contribute to objectivity and reliability of scientific areas. In the future, research areas of marine sports were likely to be divided and deepened so that research directions and problems, etc should be criticized to develop theses published in scientific journals as an dispute area.
Key Words
marine sports, research trends, analysis of contents
The relationship among participation motives, satisfaction and Loyalty based on the degree of participation and general characteristic of marathon participants 인문,사회과학편 : 마라톤 참여자의 일반적 특성과 참여정도에 따른 참여동기, 참여만족도 및 충성도의 관계
46(1) 567-576, 2007
The relationship among participation motives, satisfaction and Loyalty based on the degree of participation and general characteristic of marathon participants 인문,사회과학편 : 마라톤 참여자의 일반적 특성과 참여정도에 따른 참여동기, 참여만족도 및 충성도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among participation motives, satisfaction and Loyalty based on the degree of participation and general characteristic of marathon participants. The subjects of this study were marathoners selected from Adidas MBC Hangang Marathon Competition in 2005, and separated them in to three groups by course. By convenient sampling method, only 340 valid samples which collected from the participants were selected for data analysis. The data were sorted based on the SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0, multiple regression analysis was used for relationship of every variables. The results can be summarized as follows. First, course and time variables appear to have influence on identity factor among participation motives. Second, frequency and career, course variables appear to have influence on amusement factor among participation motives. Third, all of general characteristics and degree of participation variables appear not to have influence on interpersonal factor among participation motives. Fourth, all of amusement, identity and interpersonal factor among participation motives appear to have influence on participation satisfaction. Fifth, participation satisfaction appears to have influence on loyalty.
The relationships between Leisure activities type and solitude, depression among the elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 여가활동 유형과 고독감 및 우울감의 관계
박장근JangGeunPark , 최덕묵DukMookChoi , 임란희RanHeeLim
46(1) 577-588, 2007
The relationships between Leisure activities type and solitude, depression among the elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 여가활동 유형과 고독감 및 우울감의 관계
박장근JangGeunPark , 최덕묵DukMookChoi , 임란희RanHeeLim
The purpose of this study was to examine for the difference of leisure activities type according to theirs own characteristics and the relationship between leisure activities and solitude, depression among elderly. The subjects in this study are 417 elderly residents, 60 years of age above in Seoul and Gyeong-gi area, 2006. The collected data based of survey are analyzed through frequency analysis, crosstabs analysis, ANOVA analysis and correlation analysis by SPSS WIN Ver. 12.0. According to this study and analysis, the result is following : First, the ratio of sports is most, but that of watching and appreciation is most few among the type leisure activities of elderly people and it showes meaningfully differences in the ages, family relations, post-occupation, religion, month-average expenses excepts sex. Second, solitude in sports leisure activity is lower than that of others leisure activities and it is high in sight-seeing, amusement. Third, depression of elderly people in sports leisure activity is lower than that of others, it is high in hobby and culture leisure activity. Forth, The higher becomes elderly solitude quotient, it appeared that depression quotient comes to be high.
The effects of the squash event service quality on participants image, word-of-mouth intention, re-participation 인문,사회과학편 : 스쿼시이벤트 서비스품질이 참가자의 이미지, 구전의도, 재참여에 미치는 영향
김학신HakShinKim , 한성호SungHoHan
46(1) 589-602, 2007
The effects of the squash event service quality on participants image, word-of-mouth intention, re-participation 인문,사회과학편 : 스쿼시이벤트 서비스품질이 참가자의 이미지, 구전의도, 재참여에 미치는 영향
김학신HakShinKim , 한성호SungHoHan
This study aims to determine possible effects of squash event's service quality on entrants' behavioral intentions, contributing to the promotion of marketing in ever-diversified squash market. This study came to the following conclusions. First, in terms of categorical differences in service quality according to each demographic characteristic of squash tournament event's entrants with club membership, it was found that 40's group, married group, group with 1 million won or lower monthly earnings on the average. Second, in terms of categorical differences in image, oral intention and re-participation according to demographic characteristics of squash event entrants, it was noted that 40's group showed higher behavioral intention of image, re-participation and oral intentions than any other age groups; married group was more willing to rejoin tournament event than unmarried one; and the group under academic achievement of high school or college graduate showed higher oral intentions than control. theord, Fourth, in regard to possible effects of squash event service quality on entrant's image, oral intentions and re-participation, it was notable that consensus had more or less significant effects on event image, oral intention and re-participation respectively.
Key Words
squash event service quality, participants image, word of mouth intention, re-participation
A photo elicitation study on the experiences of Leisure activity participation of the elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 노인여가활동 경험에 관한 사진유도연구
46(1) 603-616, 2007
A photo elicitation study on the experiences of Leisure activity participation of the elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 노인여가활동 경험에 관한 사진유도연구
The purpose of this study is to introduce a new research method which is called photo elicitation study. Specifically, this exploratory study used Photo Elicitation Interview (PEI) to investigate experiences on the leisure activity participation of the elderly. Furthermore, this study tried to show the direction for the development of future qualitative research method using photo elicitation interview which is one of the visual research. The results were categorized into two parts such as 1) understanding Photo Elicitation Interview by comparing traditional In-depth Interview 2) understanding the experiences on the leisure activity participation of the elderly provided by the retirement facility. the investigator tried to compare Photo Elicitation Interview and In-depth Interview. Using photographs during interviews aided in building and capturing intense emotion, and rich experiences. As mentioned above, this study gave full understanding of elderly's leisure activity experiences using a new methodology which is called Photo Elicitation Interview.
The purpose of this study was to interpret the necessity of leisure education for leisure focused society. Now days Korea changes work focused society to leisure focused society. So, leisure decide to korean's quality of life. In this reason leisure education is very necessary to korean. In order to explain the present situation, this study was divided to three part to revitalization of leisure education: 1) discourse about the necessity of leisure education; 2) set up the leisure education aim; and 3) create leisure education subdivision. Firstly, leisure education is very important in leisure focused society as a culture education and lifelong education. Secondly, leisure education construct a seating capacity of leisure and usage of leisure. Accordingly subdivision of leisure education is self-awareness, leisure-awareness, leisure information retrieval, participated in leisure decision making, leisure-skill and social-relationship.
Key Words
Leisure education, Leisure focused society
A study on the cognitive process through spatial-temporal experience in improvisational dance 인문,사회과학편 : 즉흥적 움직임의 시,공간적 체험을 통한 인식과정 연구
46(1) 627-638, 2007
A study on the cognitive process through spatial-temporal experience in improvisational dance 인문,사회과학편 : 즉흥적 움직임의 시,공간적 체험을 통한 인식과정 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze the cognitive process and elements through spatial-temporal experience in improvisational dance. For this, six subjects were selected and participated in improvisational dance program for two weeks. I analyzed what and how they feel through the spatial-temporal experience process in improvisational dance program. The research method was as follows. The literature on improvisational dance program was selected by employing ideal case selection suggested by Goetz and LeCompte. Raw data classified by content analysis were analyzed inductively in accordance with Spradley's qualitative methodology. Deep interviews, participant observations and self reports were collected and the data collected were described, analyzed and interpreted by inductive content analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as belows: In the process of cognizing spatial-temporal experience elements in improvisational dance, the participants enhanced abundant expressiveness with concentration and experienced widely a change of cognition with increased autonomous thinking. In conclusion, discovering problem, the participants experienced a process of free expression through immediate reaction of collective cognition in the spatial-temporal experience process.
Key Words
improvisational dance, temporal cognition, spatial cognition, qualitative research
The understanding of Laban`s principle of movement and the analysis of the work of "Human`s C V" 인문,사회과학편 : 라반 움직임원리의 인식과 작품 『Human`s C V』분석
46(1) 639-647, 2007
The understanding of Laban`s principle of movement and the analysis of the work of "Human`s C V" 인문,사회과학편 : 라반 움직임원리의 인식과 작품 『Human`s C V』분석
This study was intended to investigate the process of choreography through an appreciation and understanding of Laban's principle of movement and find out the new directionality of creation by analyzing 'Human's C V, Kim Heung-nam first performed at the English Laban Center Theatre through the logical understanding of this principle. For this purpose, it attempted to make an analysis of the creativity and practical value of Laban's principle of movement by eliciting Laban's principle of motion analysis that becomes the logical background of work analysis as the concept of dramatization. As a result, Laban's concept of motion began through a fundamental approach and understanding of movement and is explained as effort, the visual symbol on the human inner attitude and impulse that becomes the origin of movement. Especially, the basic principles of motion analysis, namely, formation with changes, analysis of the intention, and diversified approaches, should be based on the knowledge and sense of stimulant forces that have an effect on human mental activity.
Key Words
Laban, effort, movement, Human`s C V
Effects of hand exercise program on competence of children with mental retardation 인문,사회과학편 : 수지운동이 정신지체아동의 인지기능 발달에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determined effects of hand exercise program on cognitive of children with mental retardation. For this aim, the subject selected 30 boys(CA 10 years) with and without mental retardation, they divided into three group(exercise group with MR 10, control group with MR 10, children without MR 10). To find out any change of their cognitive competence, hand exercise program executed to exercise group three times a week, and fifty minutes a day over twenty weeks. Before applied this program, measured cognitive competence(KMFFT and KEDI-WISC) for each group, and after twenty weeks by same method like before. Results of the comparison were as follows; The cognitive competence of exercise group who received hand exercise program was improved. That is the cognitive reaction time and the impulsivity of exercise group was reduced. Also their catch-up rate on the cognitive reaction time and the impulsiveness was higher than that of control group.
Key Words
hand exercise program mental retardation, cognitive competence, sensory-motor
Effects of treadmill exercise on metabolic hormone and uncoupling protein-2 expression in rats 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 운동이 쥐의 대사호르몬과 UCP-2 발현에 미치는 영향
46(1) 657-667, 2007
Effects of treadmill exercise on metabolic hormone and uncoupling protein-2 expression in rats 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 운동이 쥐의 대사호르몬과 UCP-2 발현에 미치는 영향
After the treadmill exercise, the 6 week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into control group(COG; n=28) and the exercise groups(low intensity trained group, 20 m/min, LTG; n=28, high intensity trained group, 28 m/min, HTG; n=28) to investigate the interaction effects between groups and time period. And weight, UCP-2, blood leptin, insulin and TG were measured in an aspect of energy expenditure. Two-way repeated ANOVA & one-way ANOVA(α=.05) were conducted for data analysis using SPSS program. Exercise groups had significant decrease in weight, blood leptin, insulin, TG compared with COG(p<.05). And there were interaction effects. But there was not significant difference between exercise groups in UCP-2 expression compared with COG. And the effects on intensity of exercise within exercise groups were same. These results suggest that regular aerobic exercise on rats has positive effects on the weight and metabolic hormone. Therefore the way that to induce increase of energy consumption in proportion to exercise time will be recommended rather than intensity of exercise for exercise prescription for the obese.
The effects of short-term or Long-term combined exercise on body composition, blood Leptin concentration in overweight children 자연과학편 : 장,단기 복합운동이 과체중 및 비만아동의 신체조성과 혈중 렙틴 농도에 미치는 영향
김현준HyunJunKim , 고기준KiJunKo
46(1) 669-679, 2007
The effects of short-term or Long-term combined exercise on body composition, blood Leptin concentration in overweight children 자연과학편 : 장,단기 복합운동이 과체중 및 비만아동의 신체조성과 혈중 렙틴 농도에 미치는 영향
김현준HyunJunKim , 고기준KiJunKo
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of short-term or long-term combined exercise program on body composition, leptin in overweight children. Eighteen subjects were required to above the 85th percentile of body mass index(BMI). They were divided into two groups, combined exercise group(EG, n=9) and control group(CG, n=9), respectively. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 12 software, and paired t-test and two-way repeated ANOVA were used to determine the statistical significance of the differences in leptin each group and between the two subject groups. The results of this study were as follows; The comparison of means changes before and after intervention programs within each group, weight, BMI and leptin were significantly decreased after 1 week, 4 weeks and 12 weeks and body fat percentage was significantly decreased after 4 weeks and 12 weeks. In addition the cases of CG, leptin was significantly decreased after 1 week. There were significant differences in leptin between groups. In conclusion, these results indicate that combined exercise of Short-term or Long-term is favorable effective in body composition and leptin concentration in overweight children.
Key Words
overweight children, combined exercise, Leptin, body composition
The effects of 8weeks aerobic exercise on the expression of angiotensin 2 and apoptosis in the kidney of 1-name induced hypertensive rat 자연과학편 : 8주간 유산소운동이 고혈압 흰쥐 신장에서 Angiotensin 2 발현과 Apoptosis에 미치는 영향
이진JinLee , 김원규WonKyuKim , 조형숙HyungSookCho
46(1) 681-690, 2007
The effects of 8weeks aerobic exercise on the expression of angiotensin 2 and apoptosis in the kidney of 1-name induced hypertensive rat 자연과학편 : 8주간 유산소운동이 고혈압 흰쥐 신장에서 Angiotensin 2 발현과 Apoptosis에 미치는 영향
이진JinLee , 김원규WonKyuKim , 조형숙HyungSookCho
The inhibition of Nitric oxide synthase induces hypertension related with angiotensin II (Ang II), and long- term hypertension causes apoptosis in target organs. Aerobic exercise (Ex) is known to reduce blood pressure (BP) and Ang II synthesis. Thus, the present study is aimed to investigate the relationship between long-term EX and hypertension induced by L-NAME using Ang II protein, and detection of apoptotic cells in hypertensive rat kidney. Sprague-Dawley rats (n=40) were divided into 4 groups as follows: control group (Con, n=10), EX group (Ex, n=10), L-NAME treatment group (L-Con, n=10) and L-NAME treatment with EX group (L+Ex, n=10). To induce hypertension L-NAME was injected intraperitoneally, and swimming as EX was performed. Ang II protein showed L-con: 198%, L-ex: 146%, Con: 100%, Ex : 87% in kidney. In addition, apoptotic cells were more decreased in L-Ex than in L-con group. Consequently, long term EX inhibits apoptosis and aynthesis Ang II in the kidney of L-NAME induced hypertensive rats. These results suggest that EX should prevent renal damage from long-term hypertension.
Dietary creatine and carbohydrate supplementation influence hormonal release responses and enzyme activities during maximal intensity rowing exercise 자연과학편 : 크레아틴과 탄수화물 투여가 최대강도 조정운동 시 호르몬 분비 및 효소활성 변화에 미치는 영향
Dietary creatine and carbohydrate supplementation influence hormonal release responses and enzyme activities during maximal intensity rowing exercise 자연과학편 : 크레아틴과 탄수화물 투여가 최대강도 조정운동 시 호르몬 분비 및 효소활성 변화에 미치는 영향
purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of both dietary creatine and carbohydrate supplementation on hormonal release responses and enzyme activities during maximal intensity rowing exercise with observing the changes of blood FFA, glucagon, insulin, lipase, epinephrine, cAMP. In order to conduct this study, 10 rowing athletes in optimal physical condition (comparable to that of the Korean National Team) were chosen. The subjects were divided into 3 test conditions: creatine(CR), carbohydrate(C), and non(N) supplement condition. All exercise studies were conducted on a Concept II Indoor Ergometer, a machine identical to that of 2,000M Single Skull event.The FFA level was the highest in the CR condition at the end of exercise(p<.05). In contrast, the levels of the blood glucagon, insulin, and epinephrine were the lowest in the CR condition at the end of exercise(p<.05). Blood lipase activity was lowest in the CR(p<.05), and cAMP activity was highest in CR at the end of exercise, but there was no significant difference among the 3 experimental conditions.
Kinematical analysis of kovacs motion on the horizontal bars 자연과학편 : 철봉운동 Kovacs 동작의 운동학적 분석
46(1) 701-712, 2007
Kinematical analysis of kovacs motion on the horizontal bars 자연과학편 : 철봉운동 Kovacs 동작의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was done in order to investigate the Kinematical variables of the Kovacs motion on the Horizontal bar using the 3-dimensional cinematographic method. For this study, Five excellent athletes take part in a 2003 Daegue universiade game were chosen. The subject,s Kovacs motion was filmed with S-VHS camera at the speed of 60 fields per second and digitized the each fields before the start the handstand motion to landing. And The Kwon3D program was used to calculate kinematic variables. We drew the conclusions from the Kinematical factors. It was shown that the mean total took 1.66±0.04s, swing phase took 0.84±0.04s, flying phase took 0.81±0.03s. To make a successful performance, a performer releases the bar at a height of a horizontal bar vertically and at a height of 58cm horizontally, and the flying performance should be made without moving forward.
Key Words
kovacs motion, center of gravity position, 3d motion analysis
The effect of arm sling on the Lower extremity muscle activity during hemiplegia patient`s walking stance phase 자연과학편 : 팔걸이 착용이 편마비 환자의 보행 지지기 동안 하지 근육의 활성도에 미치는 영향
김정태JungTaeKim , 박성현SungHyunPark
46(1) 713-722, 2007
The effect of arm sling on the Lower extremity muscle activity during hemiplegia patient`s walking stance phase 자연과학편 : 팔걸이 착용이 편마비 환자의 보행 지지기 동안 하지 근육의 활성도에 미치는 영향
김정태JungTaeKim , 박성현SungHyunPark
The study was designed to understand the ankle joint muscle activity during hemiplegia patient's walking stance phase. For this purpose, were sampled and broken down into three groups such as "walking without arm sling" group, "walking with flexion-type sling" group, and "walking with extension-type sling" group. As for the loading response, “walking with extension-type sling" group showed lower average IEMG of biceps femoris than "walking without arm sling" and "walking with extension-type sling" group showed higher average IEMG of tibialis anterior than "walking without arm sling" group and "walking with flexion-type sling" group. As for mid stance, "walking with extension-type sling" group showed higher average IEMG of tibialis anterior than the other. As for the terminal stance, "walking with extension-type sling" group showed higher average IEMG of gastrocnemius medial and lateral head than "walking without arm sling" group and "walking with flexion-type" group. In conclusion, "walking with extension-type sling" group showed higher muscle activity and co-contraction than "walking without arm slig" group and "walking with extension-type sling" group.
Key Words
hemiplegia, stance phase, arm sling, Lower extremity muscle, electromyography, EMG
Comparison of aging threshold and aging coefficient in health related physical fitness on Korean and Japanese 자연과학편 : 한ㆍ일 간 건강관련체력의 노화시점 및 노화계수의 비교
46(1) 723-736, 2007
Comparison of aging threshold and aging coefficient in health related physical fitness on Korean and Japanese 자연과학편 : 한ㆍ일 간 건강관련체력의 노화시점 및 노화계수의 비교
The prevalence of older population is growing rapidly and indeed is the fastest growing segment of entire population. Based on the national statistics in Korea, the proportion of older population was 7.2% in 2000, and the number is projected to double (i.e., 14%) in the year of 2018. The one of the major public health problems in older population is a decreasing health related physical fitness(HRPF) level, yet little is known about the aging curve on the HRPF. The purpose of this study is to estimate thresholds of aging on the HRPF in Korean and Japanese. The data (i.e., means and standard deviations for each age from 7 to 65 years old) were collected from over 60 published research articles and national statistics between 1988 and 2005 in Korea and Japan. Based on the collected means and standard deviations, a total of 2,282,112 pseudo data were generated using random number generator in MS-Excel software, and equated into a 2004 test score. A distance max (Dmax) approach (Cheng et al., 1992) was used to determine a HRPF aging threshold. Pearson correlation coefficients and rate of change based regression coefficient were calculated by SPSS for Windows, and the significant level was set at .05. The results showed that aged around eighteen in both male and female was designated as the HRPF aging thresholds using Dmax Approach. The Pearson correlation coefficients between HRPF and age were positive and negative from below and above the threshold (i.e., aged 18), respectively.
Key Words
aging threshold, aging coefficient, physical fitness, equating of test
Effect of Low-intensity aerobic exercise program on health-related physical fitness and isokinetic muscular strength in middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 저강도 유산소성 운동프로그램이 중년여성의 건강 관련체력 및 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
백승옥SeungOkBaek , 오윤선YounSunOh , 신윤정YounJungShin
46(1) 737-749, 2007
Effect of Low-intensity aerobic exercise program on health-related physical fitness and isokinetic muscular strength in middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 저강도 유산소성 운동프로그램이 중년여성의 건강 관련체력 및 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
백승옥SeungOkBaek , 오윤선YounSunOh , 신윤정YounJungShin
The purpose of this study was to analyze the physical fitness, the blood profiles and the lower extremity strength in middle aged women after 12 weeks of the low intensity aerobic programs. One group participated in the low intensity aerobic exercise program and the other group was in the yoga program. The physical fitness parameters and The lower extremity strength were measured. The results are as followed. The circumferences of body except the waist were decreased after 12 weeks of both aerobic and yoga programs. The peak torques of the flexor in left and right leg were significantly improved in both aerobic and yoga program after 12 weeks. The peak torques of flexors in both right and left leg were significantly improved in both aerobic and yoga program after 12 weeks. The total works of flexors in right left were changed after 12 weeks of aerobic and yoga program. The aerobic and yoga program may help the strength of lower extremity in middle aged women.
Key Words
Physical fitness, strength, peak torque, total work
The effect of exercise and caloric restriction on antioxidantive factor and caspase-3 activity in aging induced rats 자연과학편 : 점진적 트레드밀 운동과 식이제한이 노화 유도 흰쥐의 항산화 방어계와 caspase-3 활성도에 미치는 영향
김지연JiYounKim , 안응남EungNamAn
46(1) 751-760, 2007
The effect of exercise and caloric restriction on antioxidantive factor and caspase-3 activity in aging induced rats 자연과학편 : 점진적 트레드밀 운동과 식이제한이 노화 유도 흰쥐의 항산화 방어계와 caspase-3 활성도에 미치는 영향
김지연JiYounKim , 안응남EungNamAn
We investigated the effect of the endurance exercise and carloric restriction(CR) on antioxidative factors and caspase-3 activity in the heart muscle of aging induced rats. Rats were randomly placed in one of five groups: non-induced control group (n=5), aging induced control group(n=5), exercised group(n=5), carloric restricted group(n=5) and carloric restriction combined exercised group(n=5). In result H2O2 in non-aging induced group, exercised group and carloric restriction combined exercised group was significantly lower than that of aging induced control group. GSH in non-aging induced group, exercised group and carloric restriction combined exercised group was significantly higher than that of aging induced control group whereas GSSH in aging induced control group was significantly higher than that of other groups. Furthermore, the activity of caspase-3 was significantly higher in aging induced control group than that of other groups. These findings suggest that endurance exercise and carloric restriction decreases caspase-3 activity whereas they increase antioxidant defenses related with aging of the heart.
Long chain fatty acids transport and it related proteins in skeletal muscle 자연과학편 : 골격근에서의 지방산 수송과 관련 단백질의 발현
서혜정HeaJungSuh , 임기원KiWonLim
46(1) 761-769, 2007
Long chain fatty acids transport and it related proteins in skeletal muscle 자연과학편 : 골격근에서의 지방산 수송과 관련 단백질의 발현
서혜정HeaJungSuh , 임기원KiWonLim
his review focuses on fatty acid transport into skeletal muscle cell membrane during exercise. Long chain fatty acid (LCFA) is a important energy substrate during prolonged exercise in humans and animals. It has recently been suggested that cellular fatty acid binding proteins play a important role in metabolism of LCFA during exercise in skeletal muscle. The most important proteins in skeletal muscle are fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36), fatty acid transport protein (FATp), fatty acid binding protein membrane type (FABPm). It is suggested that FAT/CD36 is abundant in typeⅠskeletal muscle (red muscle) than in typeⅡmuscle (white muscle) fiber, And, FAT/CD36 protein and gene expression in skeletal muscle are higher in women than in men. Muscle contraction (exercise training) stimulates FAT/CD36 protein expression in skeletal muscle in animal and humans. FATp protein is considerably higher in soleus than in gastrocnemius muscles. High-fat diet causes elevation in FATp protein in soleus muscle, but a reduction in gastrocnemius muscle. The physiological role of FATp is still unclear. FABPm in skeletal muscle is higher in women than in men, is enhanced by endurance training in men, but not in women.
Key Words
fatty acid uptake, FAT/CD36, FATP, FABP, muscle
Inhibition effect of L-carnosine on Lipid peroxidation in mordern dance performance 자연과학편 : 현대무용 동작 수행시 L-carnosine의 지질과산화 억제 효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of short-term L-carnosine supplementation on MDA concentration, SOD, GPx activity during modern dance performance. Twelve women were randomized to carnosine supplementation group(n=6) and placebo group(n=6). Carnosine was supplemented orally every day for 5 days. Modern dance consisted of 8 chapter of EMI('KUNMU'). KUNMU is consist of kick, jump, walking, turn, plie-arabesque, balance, rolling down, stretch, movement of arms, bartmant and total dance time was executed 4min 30sec. For measure exercise intensity of KUNMU, heart rate measured by polar. Blood MDA concentration was significantly lower in the carnosine supplementation group compared to the placebo group in rec. 1h and 6h but blood SOD, GPx activity was not significantly each groups. The results suggest that oxidative stress during modern dance performance increased in modern dance performance, but carnosine supplementation for 5 days inhibited lipid peroxidation.
Relationships and differences between body composition, blood pressure, physical strength and health behavior with age 자연과학편 : 연령증가에 따른 신체구성, 혈압, 체력 및 건강생활 습관의 차이와 상관관계
이사겸SaGyeomLee , 황경식KyungSheekHwang
46(1) 781-794, 2007
Relationships and differences between body composition, blood pressure, physical strength and health behavior with age 자연과학편 : 연령증가에 따른 신체구성, 혈압, 체력 및 건강생활 습관의 차이와 상관관계
이사겸SaGyeomLee , 황경식KyungSheekHwang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between health behavior and body composition, blood pressure and physical strength. Exercise, smoking, drinking habits were investigated by questionnaire and body composition, blood pressure, physical strength were investigated by measuring in 257 subjects. The results were as follows. First, height was significantly decreased, but WHR was significantly increased with age. Second, blood pressure was significantly increased with age. Rest heart rate was significantly increased in female with age. Third, physical strength was significantly decreased with age. Forth, exercise, smoking, drinking were showed highest frequency those who in their forties. Exercise index was highest those in their thirties, smoking index was highest those in their fifties and drinking index was highest those in their twenties. Fifth, age was showed significant de-correlation with physical strength factors. And exercise was showed significant correlation with physical strength factors.
Key Words
age, body composition, blood pressure, physical strength
The effect of after school sports activities on the physical fitness of mentally disabled adolescents 자연과학편 : 방과 후 체육활동이 정신지체 청소년의 체력향상에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of after school sports activities on the physical fitness of mentally disabled adolescents and to improve their basic physical abilities and functions so that they could adequately cope with P.E. classes. To examine the effects of after school sports activities, a program of sports activities was implemented for seven(mild disability-3, and severe disability-4) 11th graders at C high school in Cheongju-si, Chungbuk. It can be said that the program of sports activities has a positive effect on the improvement of quickness, flexibility of the mentally disabled adolescents. But, it can be said that the program of sports activities does not have any effect on the improvement of muscular endurance, agility, endurance of the mentally disabled adolescents. Therefore, it can be said that the program of sports activities has a positive effect on the improvement of flexibility of the mentally disabled adolescents.
Key Words
mentally disabled adolescents
An analysis of determinant factors of physique and physical fitness in elite gymnastic athletes for man 자연과학편 : 체격, 체력요인에 의한 남자 우수 기계체조 선수의 경기력 결정 요인 분석
최윤택WunTackChoi , 성낙광NakKwangSeong
46(1) 803-811, 2007
An analysis of determinant factors of physique and physical fitness in elite gymnastic athletes for man 자연과학편 : 체격, 체력요인에 의한 남자 우수 기계체조 선수의 경기력 결정 요인 분석
최윤택WunTackChoi , 성낙광NakKwangSeong
This research was conducted to predict the relative impotance of physique and physical fitness in male elite gymnastic athletes affecting gymnastic performance. The total number of research subject was 30, 10 national team members and 20 regular members. We got following conclusions through T-verification and multiple regression analysis by gradational input system. First, for physique, national team members came up higher than regular members in height, weight, chest girth and thigh girth and for physical fitness factors, national team members came up higher than regular members in muscular strength, muscular endurance strength, explosive muscular strength, agility and stability. Second, physical fitness factors affecting gymnastic performance were, for national team members, upper arm girth and chest girth for side horse, calf girth for vaulting, and for parallel bars weight, upper arm girth, height, length of arm, circumference of chest and while for regular members showed , calf girth for the flying ring, height for parallel bars, forearm girth and calf girth for horizontal bar. Third physical fitness factors affecting gymnastic performance were, for national team members, flexibility for side horse, explosive muscular strength, muscular endurance strength, muscular strength, stability for vaulting, and for parallel bars, flexibility and agility, while for regular members, stability, muscular endurance strength and agility for side horse, flexibility and agility for the flying ring and explosive muscular strength for parallel bars.
Key Words
fitness, physique, physical and standard score
Effects of 12 weeks complex training on body composition and risk factors of metabolic syndrome in the obese middle school girls 자연과학편 : 12주간의 복합트레이닝의 비만여중생의 신체구성 및 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향
박상갑SangKabPark , 권유찬YooChanKwon , 김은희EunHeeKim
46(1) 813-822, 2007
Effects of 12 weeks complex training on body composition and risk factors of metabolic syndrome in the obese middle school girls 자연과학편 : 12주간의 복합트레이닝의 비만여중생의 신체구성 및 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향
박상갑SangKabPark , 권유찬YooChanKwon , 김은희EunHeeKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of complex training on body composition and risk factors of metabolic syndrome in obese middle school girls. Subjects were consisted of twenty obese middle school girls (Control ; 10, complex ; 10) whose aged was over 13-14 yrs and diagnosed according to the modified ATP III criteria, which is a adolescents metabolic syndrome criteria. The complex training program included stretching, resistance exercise, the aerobic exercise composed by weight training exercise and the yoga for 12 weeks. The waist circumference, blood pressure, triglyceride(TG) and blood glucose were significantly decreased (p<.01) but high density lipoprotein-cholesterol(HDL-C) was significantly increased in complex training group(p<.05). Therefore, these results suggested that complex training would be a positive role for risk factors of metabolic syndrome and body composition components in obese middle school girls with metabolic syndrome.
Key Words
complex training, metabolic syndrome, body composition, obese middle school girls